Our Testimonials

The following testimonials were written by families we have been honored to work with for more than twenty years. By applying a highly structured team approach to the intervention process, the success rate is immensely increased for a family member, friend, or colleague to accept professional help and enter treatment. To protect privacy, names and identifying information have been revised.

Dear Sonny,
There are no words to tell you how deeply we appreciate what you did for us – and ultimately, saving Jennifer’s life (and her family, too). She is now nine months sober and has completely changed her lifestyle, having gone to work part time, while spending most of her time with little Amy, her school, and doing volunteer work at church. She bikes most every day on the Trinity Trails. Jen has regained past friendships and the broken relationships within our family are healing. It is hard for her father and I to believe this is the same young woman who was near death when we contacted you! Your counsel with our family was life-saving. We are looking forward to Christmas with joy instead of dread. Our heartaches have been replaced with healing. Amy is a changed child. She is no longer anxious and sad; we got her back, too. Praise God!

Our deepest gratitude and love, the K. Family

Dear Kayla,
I just wanted to send an email to say thank you. You were wonderful in making this incredibly difficult process go as smoothly as possible. As you could see, that was a very difficult group. Thank you for being patient with us, for repeating things three times, reassuring us and answering all of our questions. The intervention would NOT have happened had you not been involved. Thank you. You have a gift and are making a real difference in this hectic and cruel world.

Thank you, Kate Smith

Dear Sonny,
I was thinking of you last night as I wrapped up a very wonderful Mother’s Day. This was our best in years. We all gathered at Michelle and Michael’s for lunch and celebration. Michael is doing fantastic. He has returned to work and completely regained the confidence of his colleagues. Our concerns about his employer knowing about him going to treatment were completely unfounded, as it turned out he is not he only person in his firm in recovery from addiction. A great weight has been lifted!

Thank you, Ann M.

Dear Sonny,
We promised you that we would keep you posted on how we were doing as a family Well, last Saturday night, we attended an open AA meeting in Austin and saw Jeff receive his one-year sobriety chip. It’s a miracle. A little over a year ago, I was feeling hopeless. I saw my son about to lose everything and it seemed like there was nothing anyone could do to help him. The call we made to you seemed like a long shot but it turned out to be the turning point. We could not have done the intervention without your professional guidance. Jeff and I played golf Saturday morning and he thanked me for saving his life. I told him the Lord saved his life, we just carried His message. I hope other families don’t wait as long as we did. Thank you, and we will continue sending you updates.

Thank you, Jess H.

Dear Sonny,
Parents of addicted children walk a path of Hell – and without someone like you at their sides I don’t know how they can survive. If our experience as a family with addiction can be of benefit in the future to any of the families you work with, please let me know. The intervention was such a blur to me. When Ryan agreed to go to treatment I thought I was dreaming. Honestly, I never expected him to go. We finished the family program last week and Ryan has agreed to go to a sober living community in Dallas when he completes his treatment program. We made a commitment as a family to support recovery but never again to support addiction. John, Ellen, and I have been attending Al-anon meetings and found acceptance and love from everyone we have met. Our family has gone from hopelessness to happiness in four weeks!

Thank you from all of us. Traci & Kevin

Dear Sonny,
How can I thank you for all of your time and support you gave me through such a trying and difficult time? I want you to know how much you helped me and gave me strength to continue. I never give up where family is concerned and you never gave up on us. I now have hope our family story will have a happy ending!

God Bless, Tina M.

Dear Sonny,
I hope this note finds you in good health. We just wanted to thank you again for the love and support you gave to us and for taking our son to treatment. Your calming spirit was such a blessing.

I pray that the Lord gives you joy and peace. Dave D.

Dear Sonny,
I just wanted to take a moment to say “thanks” for all your help with our family crisis. Ellie is doing well, and although there are hurdles to clear, I see light at the end of the tunnel. We are also following your recommendations and have found a family therapist who is helping us deal with our “stuff”.

Thanks again for all that you did. Jeff H.

Dear Sonny,
Thank you does not begin to tell you how much I appreciate what you did for my father Sunday. I was so impressed with you and the calm, gentle spirit you displayed with such ease. I truly believe that God put you in my path for a reason. I can now obviously see what that reason was. Sunday’s intervention was the most thing I have ever endured in my life. I truly believe with all my heart that if you had not been there it would not have gone as smoothly as it did. The intervention was a turning point for my father. It also helped my family to voice our real concerns for him in a safe environment. That was so healing for me. I feel relieved that it’s over, but I think it’s only the beginning of a long hard journey. Sonny, you are a man of great strength and I respect you a great deal for all the challenges you faced head on. Thank you for all your time and energy you put into making the intervention possible. I will never forget what you did for my Dad.

Sincerely, Melinda & Richard

Dear Sonny,
I want to thank you for not giving up on Don. He finished treatment in April and things seem to be going well at home. The kids are getting to know their Dad for the first time in years and I saw Dawn smiling at Don, which is a miracle. Ken and Don are going fishing with me next weekend on my 70th birthday. To have my sons enjoying life and for me to have good health are wonderful blessings. We couldn’t have gotten the job done without your expert help.

Keep up the good work. Tex H.

You were a blessing. No one teaches you how to handle these types of situations and we were lost. You stepped in and walked us through one of the most difficult few weeks our family has ever encountered. I thank God that we found you. Your calm demeanor soothed us all. Thank you for being there and telling us all to take a breath.

Thank You, Megan H.